Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Merry... uh... whoops.

Hi! Yes, I'm a little bit late, but I wanted to write about Christmas. I understand it's almost a month later... so sue me. :)

Our Christmas was absolutely perfect this year. Last year was fantastic but we were running around trying to make everyone else feel happy and loved that we didn't feel like it was much of a first Christmas. So we stayed cozy & warm in Greeley and enjoyed our time together. Christmas Eve we went to the Searle's house for dinner and games, they were so sweet to have us over. Callissa was so generous she even sent us home with some pull apart bread for breakfast in the morning! So we got home about 12:15 (so TECHNICALLY it was Christmas...) and Zac was so excited for me to open my gifts he talked me into opening our presents right then! I think the best part of gifts from Zac is how genuinely happy he is for me to see them. Yes, he spoiled me. Rotten. My very favorite is my new sewing machine! I am determined to take my basic knowledge of sewing and improve it by like, a million. He is truly the best.

As for our Christmas tree, it's a long story but we were gifted a BEAUTIFUL tree from the Searle's but it was way too tall for our little apartment so we had to trade it away. I am a little bit sad but we got a tree that fit & we got to have fun decorating it (and tying up some of the branches with yarn... haha!) I still have sparkles all over my floor though... This photo is obviously before we filled the bottom with presents. Perhaps because we left all of our shopping until December 23. Meh, it all worked out.

Also, last thing about Christmas... I didn't get a chance to send out any cards this year but I created these little beauties and felt they had to be shared. So I sent them out via email and facebook. Classy, I know. Hope you all had an amazing holiday season!

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